We are convinced that fairness should be fundamental in all parts of our lives:
Fair in face of nature, which gives us life.
Fair in face of the human, who makes something for us.
Fair in face of the environment, where we live in.
That's why our textiles are certified by theFairWear Foundation and most of them are also certified by GOTS.
We work with sustainable materials and have high standards in regards to the supply chain of our products. By carefully selecting our partners that are change makers among the industry we hope to meet your needs but also encourage others to bring sustainability, ethical behaviour and care to our environment.
Almost all of our screenprinting techniques are GOTS certified. If you want to offer and promote textiles with the GOTS label, a few things need to be considered. More about this in a call or conversation with us in the printing house. Talk to us!
We choose our inks, consumables and chemicals that are necessary for the printing process carefully with the best ecological aspects possible.
If you want to know more about the FairWear and GOTS certificate you can read the list below or we'd love to give personal advise at our print shop.

It is important to us that the prints we produce are of high quality and therefore very long-lasting.
FairWear Certificate
The FairWear Foundation cares about the following points (only to name a few):
Employment is freely chosen
There is no discrimination in employment
No exploitation of child labour
Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Payment of a living wage
No excessive working hours
Safe and healthy working conditions
Legally-binding employment relationship
GOTS Certificate

The Global Organic Textile Standard is an international leading standard for the handling of textiles made of organic produced natural fibers. It defines the environmental requirements along the whole supply chain, as well as the corresponding social criterias.
Focus of GOTS
requires and defines amounts of natural and organic material in textile products
Identification and verifying of the organic content in textile along the entire chain of custody
inspecting social practices according to the ILO conventions
Defines and uphold restrictions in the use of chemicals and environmental requirements
The standard covers the processing, manufacturing, packaging, labelling, trading and distribution of all textiles made from at least 70% certified organic natural fibers. The final fiber products may include, but are not limited to, yarns, fabrics, clothes and home textiles.


We ship with climate-neutral shipping GOGREEN. We try avoid using plastic. As of now the only thing we rely on is tape, but we work on that. We make sure to reuse our shipping cartons and any other packaging material.