from 25 pc.
Screen printing is one of the oldest techniques for textile decoration.
With a special copying process it is possible to make a stencil with a fine-meshed screen.
This stencil got penetrable areas where the grafic is and non-penetrable areas to prevent ink going into parts of the shirt where it doesn't belong.
The screen will be mounted into the screen printing machine. The textile will be pulled on the pallet. If everything is in position, the printer pushes the ink thru the stencil with a squeegee.
The open mesh areas leave ink thru the screen, the closed mesh areas keep ink from passing thru.
Consequently the ink is transfered on the textile whitin seconds. After the printing process the printed textil has to go into a dryer to cure the ink and make it washable.
Agony of choice: the different screen printing inks
The most used inks for shirt decoration is plastisol and waterbased ink.
Each and every ink got his own advantages and disadvantages. The most significant differnece between those two are the physical appearence. Plastisol ink is printed on the textile and does not soak into the fiber, it's "on top". Therefore plastisol got an enhanced tactile feeling.
In contrast we use waterbased inks which have almost no tactile, because the ink soaks into the fiber. Big advantage here is the "soft touch" and an higher elasticity.
Suitable for the following applications:
- minimum of 25 pieces per color (economicly spoken)
- school leavin shirts
- merchandise
- band shirts
- club shirts
- shirts for labels
- towels
- bandanas

Geeignet für:
Jubiläums T- Shirts
Besondere Anlässe
Was geht?
Im Textildruck, besonders im Siebdruck, sind die Möglichkeiten nahezu unendlich. Wir sind selber ständig neu fasziniert von dem, was alles geht. Deshalb ist Mittwoch unser Experimentiertag. Da werden u.a. spezielle Zusätze und besondere Farben getestet oder mit Pigmenten aus Naturstoffen experimentiert, wie zum Beispiel mit Kaffeesatz aus Röstereien und deren Motive damit gedruckt.
Die Bilder zeigen 3 Beispiele für unterschiedliche Effekte:
- 3D- Druck (Dickschicht)
- Irisdruck (Farbverlauf durch verschiedene Farben in einem Sieb, die mit der Zeit ineinander verlaufen)
- MultiChrome Farben (Flip- Flop- Effekt)- Perlglanz, Zweifarbeffekt
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