Ab 25 Stk.
Farbwirkung: leichter Beigeton
Haptik: kaum spürbar, weicher Griff
Haltbarkeit: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
BIO Zertifizierte Farben: ✖️
CMYK: ✖️
Pantone/RAL/HKS: teilweise
Neon: ✖️
reflektierend: ✖️
nachleuchtend: ✖️
metallic: ✖️
3D: ✖️
Bevorzugt Vektordateien, eps, ai, svg, pdf, psd
- funktioniert nur auf farbigen oder dunklen Textilien
- Achtung: Produktionsbedingt müssen die bedruckten Textilien im Anschluss gewaschen werden

Discharge screen printing is a kind of bleaching method.
It is a waterbased ink including an additive which bleach the dye of a dark shirts to it's natural cotton appearence. The result is mostly not pure white, it's more likely an egg-shell white.
There is the possibility to also add another dyepigment, which makes it possible to re-dye the garmet.
The biggest advantage is the good washability and of course the low tactile.
The most important thing to keep in mind, this ink will only work on dark garmets.
Suitable for the following applications:
- minimum of 10 pieces per color (economicly spoken)
- school leavin shirts
- merchandise
- band shirts
- club shirts
- shirts for labels
- towels
- bandanas